I use lisenced ArcSoft PhotoStudio 5.0 version. Do I have to pay again for 6 version? If not, what is the updating procedure?
Answer by
Swati Dubey
No, you do not have to pay again for version 6 if you already have a licensed version of ArcSoft PhotoStudio 5.0. To update to version 6, you will need to follow the updating procedure provided by the software developer.
what version of photo studio came free on compaq presario desktop computer, millenium version, and how can I get that version to download on my version 7 computer.
Answer by
Ashish Bajaj
ArcSoft PhotoStudio is compatible with Windows 7. You can visit the official ArcSoft website or trusted software download sources to obtain the latest version of ArcSoft PhotoStudio for your computer.
new lettertypes installed in word do not appear in my photostudio, what can I do?
Answer by
Saumya Sharma
To install new fonts in ArcSoft PhotoStudio, you will need to ensure that the fonts are installed on your Windows operating system. Once installed, the new fonts should be accessible within PhotoStudio.
I had ArcSoft PhotoStudio 5.5 on my old computer. I bought a new computer and tried PhotoStudio 6 and found 5.5 much more more to mu liking. Since I can't recover the 5.5 from my old computer, is it possible to download it again free?
Answer by
Photostudio 5.5 used to be shipped free with canoscan (Canon) scanners. If you can find one of these for sale, the bundled disc may have PS5.
I use lisenced ArcSoft PhotoStudio 5.0 version.
Do I have to pay again for 6 version?
If not, what is the updating procedure?
No, you do not have to pay again for version 6 if you already have a licensed version of ArcSoft PhotoStudio 5.0. To update to version 6, you will need to follow the updating procedure provided by the software developer.
what version of photo studio came free on compaq presario desktop computer, millenium version, and how can I get that version to download on my version 7 computer.
ArcSoft PhotoStudio is compatible with Windows 7. You can visit the official ArcSoft website or trusted software download sources to obtain the latest version of ArcSoft PhotoStudio for your computer.
new lettertypes installed in word do not appear in my photostudio, what can I do?
To install new fonts in ArcSoft PhotoStudio, you will need to ensure that the fonts are installed on your Windows operating system. Once installed, the new fonts should be accessible within PhotoStudio.
Kann ich PhotoStudio mit Version 6.09.151 updaten?
You can update your ArcSoft PhotoStudio, just make sure to make a proper backup of all your current files.
I had ArcSoft PhotoStudio 5.5 on my old computer. I bought a new computer and tried PhotoStudio 6 and found 5.5 much more more to mu liking. Since I can't recover the 5.5 from my old computer, is it possible to download it again free?
Photostudio 5.5 used to be shipped free with canoscan (Canon) scanners. If you can find one of these for sale, the bundled disc may have PS5.
No, you can't upgrade with your CanoScan 8600f.